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Mostrando entradas de noviembre, 2011


Ahora están muy de moda los “tecnócratas”. Esos señores sin emociones ni sentimientos, que, al parecer, saben mucho de lo suyo, y que no se meten en líos mientras acumulan trienios y quinquenios. Están tan de moda que en los países parias del sur de Europa van hacer presidentes a algunos de ellos. Y Keynes muertecito y enterrado para siempre. Concretamente, en España van a nombrar encargado al Registrador de la Propiedad de Santa Pola, un señor que me caería simpático, si no es por las marranadas que le han ordenado que haga. La idea es que sigan desmontando lo que haya que desmontar para que el capital siga ganando un poquito más a costa del trabajo. Cuánto han cambiado las cosas desde el 15 de septiembre de 2008! Entonces parecía que iban a ser los grandes aparatos de los Estados-Nación, con sus sabios tecnócratas, los que iban a intentar arreglar el maremágnum que habían organizado los trileros de Wall Street. Ahora resulta que los tecnócratas también trabajan para los trileros. Es...


One important issue in the history of English literature is the authorship of Shakespeare's plays. Some evidence may indicate that William Shakespeare, the actor from Stratford-upon-Avon, wasn't the author of the plays but a proxy to shield the identity of the real one. The supporters of these theories argue that Shakespeare lacked both the literary education and knowledge of life in the Elizabethan court to write these plays. I'm not an expert in English literature (nor in its Spanish counterpart!), so I cannot opine about that issue. But this kind of theory denying authorship seems biased to me. “Shakespeare could not be one of the most important authors of Western literature because he wasn't a member of the court” recalls the argument that space aliens must have helped ancient Egyptians build the pyramids or Mayans predict eclipses. There is an obvious implied class prejudice in the case of the Shakespeare theory and of racial or cultural bias in the latter. “Anon...


As it's well known, sci-fi movies (and other works) always reflect society's underlying feelings. It might not be very difficult to write the basic plot of the TV series “The walking dead”. A short walk in any big American city lets you to see an army of homeless people wearing rags and towing carts full of garbage. An army of zombies, expelled from paradise. You feel lucky not to be a pariah. You do still have credit to go to theaters and to eat large popcorn. You are still a human being, that's to say, a customer. But you know you can be bitten by the poverty at any moment and you will lose your home, your credit card, your place in the big table of capitalist world. Last weekend, I went to theater to eat large popcorn ant to watch last Soderbergh's film. It's an action-thriller centered in the spread of a deadly epidemics. The first part of the movie is really distressing. Apparently, the disease is transmitted by simple contact and its rate of mortality is very...